National Institute of Science and Technology for Brazilian Football Studies

Nós, pesquisadoras e pesquisadores, do INCT lamentamos profundamente a partida de José Ronaldo Fassheber, professor, antropólogo e referência na temática do Futebol Indígena.
As contribuições de Zé Ronaldo para o campo da antropologia esportiva e para o campo da etnologia brasileira são inúmeras. Destacamos aqui sua Tese de Doutorado "Etno Desporto indígena: Contribuições da antropologia social a partir da experiência entre os Kaingang", defendida no ano de 2006 na Faculdade de Educação Física, Universidade Estadual de Campinas.
Zé Ronaldo também foi aluno de Mestrado no Programa de Pós-graduação em Antropologia Social da Universidade Federal de Santana (1998). E atualmente era professor na Universidade Estadual do Paraná, afiliado à Associação Brasileira de Antropologia e integrante da linha "Futebol de mulheres, de indígenas, paraolímpico e LGBTQIA+" do INCT.
A amizade, o companheirismo e a alegria de Zé Ronaldo, bem como seu trabalho e sua dedicação à compreensão das práticas esportivas das comunidades indígenas serão sempre lembradas e referenciadas por nós, seus amigos(as), colegas, alunos(as) e admiradores(as).
Nota de Apoio à criação de ambiente destinado para crianças e jovens adultos com autismo, dificuldades de aprendizado ou outros tipos de dificuldades sensoriais
Nós, representantes do Instituto de Ciência e Tecnologia de Estudos do Futebol Brasileiro (INCT Fut) e pesquisadoras da área de futebol, vimos a público expressar entusiasmo com a Reunião Ampliada no âmbito Comissão de Defesa dos Direitos da Pessoa com Deficiência em conjunto com a Comissão de Educação, Cultura e Desporto, da Câmara Municipal de Florianópolis.
Exaltamos a importância do debate e o incentivo imediato da implantação de ações que visem à inclusão de pessoas com deficiência e com outras dificuldades sensoriais nos estádios e arenas de futebol. Lembramos que, com base na legislação, há garantia do direito à acessibilidade, estando respaldada pelo Código de Defesa do Consumidor (Lei nº 8.078/1990), Estatuto do Torcedor (Lei nº 10.671/2003) e pela Lei Geral do Esporte (Lei nº 14.597/2023).
Portanto, perceber a mobilização das instituições públicas para cumprimento da legislação merece ser valorizado, e aqui indicamos nosso apoio a leis que garantam a inclusão das pessoas com deficiência nos estádios de futebol e em outros eventos esportivos. Dessa maneira, a diversidade pode ser reconhecida ao permitir que todas as pessoas tenham direito à diversão de maneira democrática e inclusiva.
Reconhecemos a relevância do tema e incentivamos as ações que visem acabar com o preconceito, discriminação e exclusão social, garantindo uma sociedade mais justa e democrática na ocupação e uso dos espaços.
Como Instituto de Ciência e Tecnologia de Estudos do Futebol Brasileiro, reiteramos nosso compromisso em contribuir para um futebol cada vez mais justo, ético e respeitoso com todos e todas.
Florianópolis, 26 de outubro de 2023.
Note of Support for the Football PlayerJennifer Hermoso
We, representatives of the Institute of Science and Technology Studies of Brazilian Football and pfootball researchers, we came out publicly to express our disgust at theHundreds of events following the conclusion of the Women's Football World Cup.
We strongly condemn the conduct demonstrated by the president of the Spanish Football Federation (RFEF), Luis Manuel Rubiales Béjar, in kissing the Spanish national team footballer, Jennifer Hermoso, during the medal presentation without the player's prior consent. We also repudiate the position taken by the Spanish Football Federation when declaring that it will punish the athlete, demonstrating support for the president.
We understand Rubiales’ act as violence. The same sexual violence that we women have been suffering on a daily basis and that now manifested itself live, during the World Cup awards ceremony on August 20th.
Due to these unacceptable circumstances, the signatories of this note express their indignation and non-conformity, highlighting that such attitudes contradict the ethical and moral principles that must accompany sports leadership.
Hermoso, after declaring his non-consent in the locker room, has been receiving support from various bodies, such as the Spanish Women's Football League, the Spanish Superior Sports Council, the world football athletes' union (Fifpro), as well as members of the technical committee and other RFEF footballers who announced their resignation or refused to represent the entity while Rubiales remains in office.
We express our solidarity and support for Jennifer Hermoso and join the entities described in repudiating the actions and statements of the president and the RFEF. We also demand that Rubiales resign and that FIFA and RFEF apply exemplary penalties. Finally, we highlight the need for the Brazilian Football Confederation, as the highest governing body of football practice in the country, to express disapproval of the act of the President of the RFEF and in support of Hermoso, as other Spanish and international entities have already done.
We recognize the relevance of our role in critical analysis and research related to football. We will continue working to promote a healthy, fair and equal football environment for women.
Carmen Rial (INCT Coordinator - Brazilian Football Studies)
Mariane da Silva Pisani (Deputy coordinator of INCT - Brazilian Football Studies)
Caroline Soares de Almeida (Coordinator of the Research Line “Women's, Indigenous, Paralympic and LGBTQIAPN+ Football” at INCT - Brazilian Football Studies)
Silvana Vilodre Goellner (UFPel)
Claudia Kessler (UFSM)
Mariana Brum (UFPel)
Thaís Rodrigues de Almeida (UFSC)
Lóry da Silveira Ribeiro (UFPel)
Raphaela Xavier de Oliveira Ferro (UFSC)
Sofia Covello da Rocha (UFRGS)
Fatima Martin Rodrigues Ferreira Antunes (DPHSP)
Laura Bierhals Lemke (UFSC)
Marina de Mattos Dantas (UFMG)
Wagner Xavier de Camargo (Unicamp), Mauro Myskiw (UFRGS)
Francisco Xavier dos Santos (UFPE)
Gustavo Andrada Bandeira (UFRGS)
Antonio Jorge Gonçalves Soares (UFRJ)
Luciano Jahnecka (Udelar)
Cristiano Mezzaroba (UFES)
Daniel Machado da Conceição (SME/PMF)
Juliano Oliveira Pizarro (IFPI)
José Hildo de Oliveira Filho - Carolina University of Prague
Michel Angillo Saad (UFSC)
Sérgio Settani Giglio (Unicamp)
Maurício Rodrigues Pinto (USP)
Silvio Ricardo da Silva (UFMG)
Christian Mackedanz (UFPel)
Gustavo da Silva Freitas (FURG)
Rafael Moreno Castellani (IEE)
Fábio Machado Pinto (UFPel)
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Note from the National Institute of Science and Technology for Brazilian Football Studies (INCT/CNPq) on the signing of Cuca by Corinthians
The National Institute of Science and Technology for Brazilian Football Studies (INCT/CNPq) publicly expresses its concern with the hiring of coach Cuca by Sport Club Corinthians Paulista.
Cuca was convicted of participating in the rape of a 13-year-old girl in Bern, Switzerland, in 1987. Such a conviction is incompatible with the role of a coach, a public figure who must be an example of ethical conduct and respect for human rights.
We understand that the signing of Cuca by Corinthians is an affront to the ethics and values that should guide Brazilian football. Football is a sport that must be played with respect and integrity, both on and off the field.
Furthermore, football plays an important role in Brazilian society and should be a tool for promoting gender equality and combating violence against women. It is unacceptable for a football club, with the history and tradition of Corinthians, to hire a coach convicted of rape.
INCT/CNPq expresses solidarity with all people who have been victims of sexual violence and reiterates the importance of respecting human rights and human dignity. We hope that Sport Club Corinthians Paulista reconsiders its decision.
As a research and study institute for Brazilian football, we reiterate our commitment to contributing to football that is increasingly fair, ethical and respectful of everyone.
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Note from the National Institute of Science and Technology for Brazilian Football Studies (INCT/CNPq) regarding the racist insults suffered by Brazilian player Vinicius Jr, during Real Madrid's game against Girona, on April 25, 2023.
INCT Estudos do Futebol Brasileiro publicly expresses its indignation and repudiation of the racist insults suffered by Brazilian player Vinicius Jr, during Real Madrid's game against Girona, on April 25, 2023.
It is unacceptable that in the 21st century, there are still such disgusting and discriminatory attitudes in the world of football.
We, at INCT Estudos do Futebol Brasileiro, demand that Brazilian authorities take a stand with the Spanish Football Federation, FIFA and the Spanish government so that these offenses are not repeated. Girona fans who offended them must be punished in accordance with Spanish law and games in which racial (or homophobic) offenses occur must be immediately stopped, as per FIFA guidance.
Furthermore, it is essential that our diplomatic representatives in Spain officially speak out against this type of unacceptable behavior and that measures are taken to curb racial discrimination in football.
It is important to highlight that these offenses have been repeated several times in recent months, in practically all of Real Madrid's away games, highlighting the urgent need for concrete measures to eradicate racism in football. It is essential that the competent authorities mobilize to ensure a safe and respectful environment for all players, regardless of their skin color, origin or sexual orientation.
We reiterate that INCT Estudos do Futebol Brasileiro stands alongside Vinicius Jr and all players who suffer discrimination in football. Football is a universal sport, which must be practiced without any type of prejudice or discrimination. We believe that unity and awareness in society are fundamental to eradicating racism in football and in society as a whole.