National Institute of Science and Technology for Brazilian Football Studies
The line “Women's, indigenous, paralympic and LGBTQIA+ football” is a thematic branch of the Institute for Interdisciplinary Research on Brazilian Football, inaugurated in the context of the research project approved by the National Institute of Science and Technology. Initially, this project was planned to last five years, but it could be prolonged with the inclusion of actions from the private sector.
This thematic branch aims to lead and engender high-quality academic research in the area of football considered “minority”, generally played by amateur athletes, excluded from the conventional mediatized model of football practice.
The line in question works in conjunction with other lines of investigation and aims to mobilize knowledge produced about all the main groups announced in its headline, namely, women, indigenous people, blind and cerebrally paralyzed footballers (who develop subtypes of Paralympic football). and amateur players from the LGBTQIA+ community.